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The Sedna Frequency is a superconductor, as well as a catalyst for quantum leaps and new paradigms.

Colour: Black with Brown Speckles
Approximate Musical Note: C
Character: Multidimensionality
Deity: Sedna

Themes & Keywords: Yin energy, collective unconscious, breaks tradition, adaptogenic, isolation, betrayal, inter-generational wounding, victimization, castigation, superconductor, nurturer, caregiver, dismemberment, forgiveness, compassion, water, global issues, animal communicator, sound, quantum leaps, new paradigm, multi-dimensions, non-duality, non-linearity, shape-shifting, creativity, soliton, right conduct, death/rebirth.

Energetics: Sedna helps us to access deep layers of the personal and collective unconscious. She also opens up communication between worlds of existence, to the unseen realms, nature and animals.

Anatomical & Physiological Correspondences: Kidneys, Spine, hands, bones, hair, memory, central nervous system, hearing, temporal vs eternal.
